Thursday, December 5, 2019

Spring wedding trends and tips for the 2019/20 season

Here are the latest trends and suggestions for spring marriages for those who marry in 2019, 2020 or beyond.spring wedding trends
The average cost of a spring wedding
Spring is the wedding season and the cost of a wedding will be higher this time of the year. The average cost of a wedding in 2019 is $ 32,333. This corresponds to the average couple who plan to spend around $ 31,438 for their spring weddingspring wedding trends.

Couples spend between $ 50 and $ 300 each during their spring marriages. The average cost is $ 137 per person with an average of 102 guests per wedding.

If you are planning to get married in the spring, but you have to respect your budget, you can get the best out of your wedding day. Take advantage of off-peak times during the high season by watching a wedding on weekdays. More than 14% of couples get married on Friday, which shows how popular this option is.
When to hold a spring wedding
Spring in Australia comes with many popular sporting events. The state in which you live will probably help you determine the weekend for which you are booking your wedding.

The weekends of the Melbourne Cup and the Grand Finale of the NRL are actually the most popular weekends for weddings in 2019. 22% of couples who organize a spring wedding only get married during these weekends. The weekend of the AFL grand finale is one of the least popular weekends for comparing weddings, and less than 1% of the weddings in Victoria are held on Saturday, the day of the grand finale!spring wedding trends

Most couples book a wedding in November for their wedding to make the best of the good weather and go inside for the holidays. 34% of the weddings take place in October and 23% in September.

View the most popular month to determine to what extent you may need to book suppliers for your big day. The more popular the month is, the greater the chance that your favorite suppliers will book first.
The most popular spring themes
Rustic weddings are still the most popular marriages in Australia, although we increasingly see them in combination with other themes.

Outdoor and garden weddings are also more popular during the spring months than at other times of the year. Spring is traditionally considered a season of flowers and flowers; It is therefore not surprising that more and more couples are getting the best out of the natural landscape and the flowers around them.spring wedding trends

Even classic and traditional weddings and romantic weddings are very complementary to many flowers. This also makes them very popular choices for spring wedding themes.
Popular colors in the spring
Burgundy and the Navy were the most popular colors for winter weddings in 2019. They are still popular in the spring, but lighter colors play a role.spring wedding trends

The 2018 season saw white, blushing and gold as the most popular color palette. This also appears to be the case for the 2019 season. Social media platforms such as Instagram and Pinterest have helped maintain current trends with the most popular or recycled images. We see it with the colors and trends of marriage that have existed for different seasons.
Popular flowers and how to use them
Roses, peonies and children's breath are still the most popular flowers of the 2019 season. Roses are a great option for your spring wedding because they are grown romantically, seasonally and even in Australia. Local and seasonal purchases can help your wedding budget to expand your flowers because you don't have to spend a lot of money on shipping or importing.spring wedding trends

The silver dollar eucalyptus is the most popular type of vegetation and reflects the tendency towards native Australians. Eucalyptus spinning in the gym is also an interesting option for ecological additions, while 9% of couples use hydrangeas for their wedding. Even the "native" Proteas and the real Proteas are very popular, although they are technically from South Africa.

The native bud of Billy is gaining popularity, as well as other characteristic flowers such as succulents, cotton and even the popular samples of the houseplant.

Bouquets, buttonholes and centerpieces are of course the most popular ways to use flowers during a spring wedding. These are the traditional elements in which flowers are incorporated

A Compilation of Command Prompt Tips, Tricks & Cool Things You Can Do

Although Windows settings provide easy access to configure most things, the command prompt up or down may be essential in many scenarios, especially if you know how to take advantage of it.Image result for A Compilation of Command Prompt Tips, Tricks & Cool Things You Can Do

Sometimes the settings can be applied by typing some characters instead of clicking on a series of menus. At other times, there is no other way to perform an operation than with command lines.

We have compiled a list of things you can do at the Windows command prompt, including commands that everyone should know for general use, more advanced commands for customizing or troubleshooting your PC, as well as less known command prompt functions. and less practical. Our list of tips and tricks below is organized from the shortest to the most useful and the most complex and risky ...

Stop a job during the operation
Because you could try some commands ... if you press Ctrl + C, cancel an already entered command and start typing another, while cls removes the current window from all the commands you have entered.

Did you know that a settings menu exists?
Right-click the title bar and open Properties Properties that let you change the font, layout, and colors of the command prompt, as well as options such as Quick Edit mode, which allows you to automatically paste the text of the clipboard when right click in the window.
Command prompt shortcuts
Pressing the up and down arrows on the keyboard will move you to the commands you have entered previously. Other shortcuts:

Tab: When you enter a path for the folder, the tab automatically completes and browses the folders.
Ctrl + M: activates Marque mode with which you can move the cursor in all directions with the arrow keys
Ctrl + C or V: from Windows 10, you can copy and paste with C and V as elsewhere in the operating system
Ctrl + F: Similarly, you can now use Ctrl + F to search for text in the command prompt
Ctrl + Shift + Scroll with mouse: increase or decrease the transparency of the window (the + and - keys also work)
Alt + Enter: activate full screen mode without title bar at the top (F11 also works as elsewhere in Windows)

Drag folders to insert a folder path
The director's paths should not be typed in the first place. In addition to copying and pasting text and tabs into folders, you can drag a folder directly into the command prompt window to automatically enter the location.

Recycling plastic bottles is good, but reusing them is better

Image result for Recycling plastic bottles is good, but reusing them is better

Last week Woolworths announced a new food distribution system, in collaboration with the American company TerraCycle, which provides basic needs for reusable packaging.

The system, called Loop, allows buyers to buy supermarket products from a brand in reusable packaging.

As Australia strives to achieve the national packaging target of 100% recyclable, compostable or reusable Australian packaging by 2025, such programs offer the opportunity to review how plastic packaging is produced, used and recycled.

For more information, this is what happens with our plastic recycling when it goes abroad

Recycling alone is not the magic solution
Plastic packaging, mainly for food and beverages, is the fastest growing category of plastic use.

In Australia, less than 10% of these plastic packaging is recycled, compared to 70% for paper and cardboard packaging.

Recycling water bottles (PET) and milk bottles (HDPA) is the most efficient, but recycling rates remain relatively low at around 30%.

Other hard plastics (PVC, PS) and soft or flexible plastics, such as plastic films and plastic bags, represent a major challenge for recyclers. In the case of soft plastics, although recycling options are available, the use of additives called plasticizers - used to make the plastic hard and soft and malleable - often makes recycled plastic products weak, unsustainable and unusable. further.

Some researchers claim that recycling is actually a dismantling process because plastic packaging is not always recycled in new packaging due to contamination or deterioration in quality.
Even when disposable plastic packaging can be recycled efficiently, this is often not the case. The greater the production of disposable plastic materials, the greater the chance of them entering the ocean and other environments in which their plasticizers dissolve, thereby damaging the wild populations and the people who depend on them.

Zero Waste Europe recently updated its waste hierarchy to focus primarily on preventing and reusing packaging rather than recycling .

Friday, November 8, 2019

The best running shoes of 2019

Summer is over and all these barbecues, beer tops and four-day festivals have probably given your body the impression that it will never recover from what you did this time.

In other words, it's time to start with the fitness program you mentioned. To help you, we have brought together the best trainers on the market to make your return in motion as easy as possible ...

Note: we earn a commission on products purchased through some of the links in this story.image

Zoom Nike X Undercover Gyakusou
Like the previous collaboration between Nike and Tokyo Gyakusou running club, these beautiful suede sneakers from the 70s are probably exhausted from reading this sentence. But who knows, you may still have a chance! Probably not now. You should have put some sentences back. Wait, are you still here? Now you really play with fire, my friend.
Veja Condor
Running is above all good for the body and the spirit, but Mother Earth does not benefit from it. So far it is true. These Veja sneakers are made with the same ethical practices and ecological beliefs as the rest of the range, with covers for recycled bottles and organic cotton.
Under Armor HOVR Velociti 2
The compression mesh upper of these running sneakers gives them a feeling of safety, strength and lightness. Furthermore, the color type seems to have been designed on WordArt, which we approve without reservation.
New Balance 1080v9 Mesh and neoprene
The rise of New Balance has taken a new path in the streetwear trend. But long before joining the fantastic guys, the brand produced powerful and well-built running shoes - and it still does. Watch 1080v9 for the same original capacity, with flexible mesh for more movement and midsole technology for optimal support.
Hoka One One Mafate Speed ​​2
Hoka One One was founded in France and is a brand for insiders: athletes who take the race seriously and their PB to work. And to be honest, you have to say it with a lightweight construction and Vibram technology that gives you all the tools you need.

Because groups have problems solving problems together

Why are so many meetings so unproductive?

Many professionals, fed up with calendars full of long disorganized and inspiring sessions, resort to unexplored, even cynical, statements:

Leaders are too lazy to make weighted agendas.
Managers hold unnecessary meetings to exercise their power.
Distracted participants, selfishly engaged in their work, are terribly unprepared.
But if we want a precise answer, rather than a mere question about the question, it would be wise to consider Hanlon's razor: never blame the evil that can be correctly explained by misunderstanding.

After more than ten years of working with leading organizations to correct broken meetings, I learned that many bad meetings can be better explained by a simple and imperfect assumption. We assume that intuitive problem solving, a highly effective approach for individuals in the context of meetings, will be equally effective for groups. But often not.

When individuals solve problems intuitively, the result is magical
To understand what the intuitive problem solving is, we must first recognize that when we solve a problem, from choosing a link to solving a second-order comparison, we make our way through five stages. :

We could assume that we go through all these phases to solve the problems. But in recent decades, psychologists have discovered that the opposite is true. Instead of going in the right direction, we tend to do it in a non-systematic way.

For example, pretend to order food online. You quickly begin to generate a solution - Mexican (phase 2) - but as soon as the thought comes to mind, evaluate (phase 3) and remember that you had the Mexican the day before, then generate another solution (phase 2) - Indian. At the time of the evaluation (phase 3), however, it is feared that your substantial chicken Tikka Masala will kill your appetite. Step back to this point and define the problem (phase 1) by asking yourself: "What kind of meal would make me satisfied but not too full?" A better question leads to a better answer: sushi (phase 2). Perform a quick bowel check to make sure the sushi is really what you want (step 3) and go to the order (steps 4 and 5).

This is called intuitive problem solving and it is so obvious that when we solve problems in this way we are completely unaware of it. All we have to do is draw our attention to the problem and just like the automatic transmission of a car, our brains switch for us. This makes the intuitive problem solving remarkably effective. Magic too.

When groups solve problems intuitively, the result is often chaos
Solving the intuitive problem is so magical for us as individuals that we think it should be just as good for the groups. When we have a meeting, we gather around a table, focus our collective attention on the problem, and let our automatic transmissions take over. All too often it turns out to be a mistake.

For groups to work effectively together and prevent them from talking to each other, members must participate in the same problem-solving phase at the same time. But because this information is private to their owners, participants in a group meeting cannot easily identify where they are in solving problems. As a result, members unknowingly start the meeting in different phases.

Imagine an IT team meeting to discuss a dissatisfied VIP customer who is in danger of sending the ship to a competitor in public. One participant believes that the way forward is clear and focuses on developing an implementation plan (phase 5), another is willing to propose alternative solutions (phase 2), while another participant is still trying to determine whether the release of this pompous hell is in fact also a problem (phase 1). Maybe it's a blessing!

As the meeting progresses, things become even more chaotic. Without realizing it, each participant continues to change phase without notifying the others. The result is an unorganized meeting that goes through many phases, but fails.

Beauty Awards: the 22 best beauty products of the year

One of the best beauty themes of the year was the bold and conventional colors with midnight blue lips, ultraviolet eyes and the celestial spark that returns to the spotlight. And no wonder: who doesn't like a powerful shot in an instant? So that all our wildest dreams of beauty become reality (including a barely glowing glow, if you're more interested), make-up designer brands have redesigned, renewed and reinvented for the eyes, lips and cheeks. A good example? A lipstick with a diamond point for sharp angles (no coating required), a four-in-one snap pin for the contour of the eyebrows and a high coverage camouflage pen that does not stop. Below you will find a guide to buying the best products of the year you want to try 100%.
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All Glamor products are independently selected by our publishers. However, if you buy something through our retail links, we can earn a member commission.
The best lip color
"This lipstick is like the elegant racing car that faces the street, with its elegant and sexy shape and ultra-intense pigment, which makes it scream for life in the fast lane. I put that lipstick on - there I have in the exceptional red shadow - that's exactly what I'm looking for. "- Bee Shapiro, columnist and founder of Ellis Brooklyn's New York Times
The best primer
"Thanks to almost all my friends on the Internet, I could not spend a day without this introduction to a makeup studio. So obviously, I had to try it and it is really the ideal skin care product. A little way is a long way , so I apply less pea sizes to the areas where I widened the pores to create a smooth canvas before applying the foundation. "- Margarna Hewitt, beauty blogger and founder of Summer Fridays
The best base
"This was one of the most exciting launches of the year: 40 shades divided into different shades with an extraordinary constructive formula make it the essential. The formula is thin but covers the face well, like a small amount to cover the entire face "I like to start in the middle and make my way with fingers, a brush or a sponge. You can go back and add a second layer for more coverage or simply print it a little more where you need it, and it's also great for neck, chest , shoulders and legs. "-Robin Black, make-up artist and photographer
The best concealer
"It is difficult for me to find a camouflage marker that fits perfectly to my skin, it works and is very light, and it is also available in such a wide range of shadows that it is easy to find your perfect match, my secret weapon to get that daily look without makeup. "-Tori Elizabeth, co-founder of The Colored Girl Project
The best powder
"This powder is really good. It is finely ground and not perfumed and gives a perfect finish similar to a filter. This is my favorite when I want to look a little more polished, because it reduces pores, blocks makeup and prevents the T area to look too bright, all without stress for dry spots "- Adri Navidad, beauty blogger
The best blush
"I think it's great that this cream blushes and this highlighter forms a practical pair, so that the colors complement each other effortlessly. The creamy formula slips and sinks into the skin leaving no oily residue, perfect for everyday use and a good-looking touch. "- Justine Marjan, celebrity hairdresser
The best highlighter
"This is a clear and dewy skin donor with a beautiful texture that blends beautifully with every skin tone - it can't ruin it!" - Nam Vo, make-up artist
The best tan
"I love the Neo range of tanners and I've been blushing for a while. Do you mix the powder well and those who don't like a good shade? The Siena shade has just enough orange without looking like a self-tan - a true balanced performance! I also like the fact that basically have three shades in one, depending on where you put the brush, and that the pact is tight enough to put it in the bag - Be Shapiro, columnist for the New York Times and founder of Ellis Brooklyn
The best flicker
"If you look at the Glossier Play Gelee in the container, it looks like something you'd rather see at Coachella - or at the mall on Friday night - rather than at all beauty professionals around the world. But if you're in a hurry, I can promise .

9 trends in jewelry that are too good to pass on in 2019

As POPSUGAR editors, we independently select and write the things we like and we think you will like them too. POPSUGAR has partner and advertising partnerships to generate income by sharing this conteJewelry Trend 2019: Shell JewelryAll Things Mochi Lorrie Shell Necklacent and your purchase.Ettika Double Coin Pendant NecklaceIsabel Marant Let's Dance EarringsMadewell Oversized Hoop EarringsJewelry Trend 2019: Coin PendantsCOS Glass Bead Dangle Earrings
When I look at my old photos, I can always see the jewel that has obsessed me. Do you remember when you did not take that neck off or the week you wore a silver ring around every finger? Some trends come and go quickly, but some have resistance.

In 2019, for example, shells go much further than the beach and the summer months. A few years ago I could never have predicted that a pair of shells would finish an evening dress, but I am not complaining.

We are also excited to mix and match rainbow rings with gems and to gather on the field bracelets this season, which gives our look a little more cheerfulness. Then scroll down to refresh the news and now or go to the category that you know you want to buy.

Jewelry trend 2019: Golden Circles
Trend jewelry 2019: pendants with coins
Trend jewelry 2019: rainbow rings
Trend jewelry 2019: sculptural earrings
Trend jewelry 2019: shell jewelry
Trend jewelry 2019: bracelets bracelets
Trend jewelry 2019: delicate pendants
Jewelry trend 2019: adjusted

Spring wedding trends and tips for the 2019/20 season

Here are the latest trends and suggestions for spring marriages for those who marry in 2019, 2020 or beyond. The average cost of a spring w...